2 weeks post whipple



Danny is recuperating. It is a slow process.
His hair is starting to grow back, little tiny baby hair is poking through.
He is getting very impatient with the whole thing.
His favorite line is: “I just want this to be over.”
An old doctor who wore a bow tie used to say the remedy for everything is just a “Tincture of Time.”
Danny is in no pain . His strength is gradually coming back. But he wants to be strong- RIGHT NOW!
it’ll happen, in fact he will get stronger and more energetic than he has for a long time because the cancer was eating away his energy long before it showed.
He would always say he didn’t understand why he was so tired.
I would fire back, “It’s cause you’re old, baby!”
Guess I was wrong. It was because he had cancer growing inside of him.
But now he doesn’t (whole crowds of people shout HURRAY! at this point , if it was a movie)

Here is the most miraculous part of the whipple: HUNGER!
DANNY ACTUALLY GETS HUNGRY! You don’t know how amazing that is. He hadn’t been hungry for so long. now he gets hungry! He lost 55 pounds, now his body wants, craves, lusts for food! He’ll gain weight back, it’ll be slow at first till his body gets used to the new plumbing, but it will happen. Baby steps, baby steps.

His biggest struggle is figuring out what to eat.We add one new thing everyday and then sit back and see what happens.Yesterday we added white bread, like in Wonder bread! We haven’t had white crapo bread in the house for probably 20 years! But it’s easy to digest, so he had some and it worked!

I’ll tell you what didn’t work- TOFU!
The second day home Danny got really sick vomiting , the runs etc., so the resident said, ” No dairy for one month.!” She’s a tough broad. So I thought  I’d use tofu for in his smoothies for protein. WRONG! he got such terrible farting,burping and bloating! I forgot that tofu is really beans. It doesn’t look like beans so I forgot and we all know beans make ya fart. So add that to the list of no-nos.


  1. Tofu
  2. Fiber
  3. Milk products
  4. meat
  5. fried foods
  6. alcohol
  7. Sugary foods

2 thoughts on “2 weeks post whipple

  1. I was diagnosed a 2 weeks ago. The treatment process is overwhelming. Reading your message help me to know what to expect after the surgery.
    Thank you. Would you have the whipple surgery again if you could go back?

    • I’m sorry you have this horrible cancer. For my late husband , it was not worth it. But there is a woman on my street who was diagnosed 3 years ago with pancreatic cancer and she had the whipple surgery and she is doing great. Everyone is different. She was also diagnosed early, whereas my husband was already in stage 4 when we found out.

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